About Richard
Driving Predictable Business Growth
Hi, my name is Richard, the Founder of Go Be Remarkable. If you have read my Amazon #1 best selling book “Remarkable Business Growth” you will know that over the past 25 years I have built multiple small businesses to seven figures and helped hundreds of business owners to do the same. Both my parents ran their own businesses and I saw, first hand, the ups and downs of being a self-employed entrepreneur, as I grew up. So I guess it was no surprise that I set up my own business in 1992.
I set up this community to bring togetyher like-minded people to share ideas on growing remarkable businesses. If you would like to tak to me about your business growth and the plans you have for building a remarkable business then click the button below and I look forward to hearing your story.
A lot of you who know me know I also own Leadnamic.com, which is a piece of a Small Business Growth Software. It’s a CRM with marketing sales tools.
I also own Ignite Growth Consultancy, which is where I actually go out and work with businesses, helping people to grow their businesses, that’s on my consultancy basis, but Go Be Remarkable was a very different project.
It was really built on the back of reader’s of the book who wanted a community, a way of talking to other small business owners who were growing remarkable businesses.
In the members area of this site, you’ll see if you sign up to become a free member of the members area, there’s actually a private group in there. It’s a group that’s solely set up and moderated by me, and it’s just really there for you to talk to other business owners who again are building remarkable businesses that grow into small businesses to £1m, a lot of them have grown to £1m and are growing beyond that.
So again, it’s just a nice group of people who are honestly sharing things. They’re not “pitching” at each other. They’re just sharing experiences, sharing ideas on things that they’ve seen work, and I’ll do the same. I’ll be posting in there regularly.
There’s also training courses. There’s coaching that I’m putting together. Each of the elements of S.T.E.P.S in the book, the five elements of STEPS I’m turning into a training course.
So, really, that’s what I wanted to build goberemarkable.com for was people who read the book, people who are building remarkable businesses and focused on building their small businesses into a remarkable business.
That’s one that has the ability to double revenue every twelve months. Of course, it is. But it’s also one that just leaves that remarkable, has remarkable touch points. When anyone comes into contact with that business, they go away saying, “wow”. That was an incredible experience.
So If that’s you, you’re in the right place. I just wanted to do a quick about video why I set up a Go Be Remarkable
And also please reach out to me on richard@goberemarkable.com or connect with me on LinkedIn
Engage With Like Minded Business Owners
Let’s really build this community together of remarkable people because there’s nothing better than meeting like minded people who are going through the same challenges that you are.
Discussing it with them, finding solutions and pushing through those challenges until you get where you want to go. Get started by joining our Members area as a free member and signing up for the Private Group of Remarkable Business owners.